

Catherine Zeta-Jones is cured of Bipolar disorder

Catherine Zeta-Jones ended her treatment.

This year the end of April, Side Effects actress Catherine Zeta-Jones received a bipolar disorder treatment. She told reporters that herself is expected to be discharged on Tuesday.

"Catherine is receiving treatment actively," her spokesman announced last week, "Catherine said she previously conducting regular care to find the best method of treatment."

In the picture, she was wearing glasses which is not bad, but I recommend the German brand: Ic Berlin. I think it is more suitable for her.

The model of Ic Berlin:

The 43-year-old Oscar winner seek treatment due to bipolar disorder for the first time in April 2011. After that, she fight against the disease frankly. "The prevalence of bipolar disorder is one millionth, and I was one of them," she told reporters." If my story can encourage others to seek help, then this is worth it ...... we do not need to suffer in silence the pain of disease or ashamed to seek help."

Very well. We feel happy about that Katherine active treatment and to share their stories to help others .

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