

"Breaking bad" Revealed The Latest Posters

The drama which is the most watched must be this award-winning AMC cool drama "Breaking Bad season 5", it will be end in August this year. So AMC can not be overemphasized to start the finale publicity, In the latest release of the trailer poster, dark green background in the subject against the background, smoke-filled shows the beauty of a fall, while the phrase "All Bad things must come to an end." should come from the phrase "All good things must come to an end", the "Ba" in "Bad" will not only be used as chemical symbols, but also implies that " Breaking Bad "According to be regarded as a good drama, pun was chilling.

The final season of "breaking bad dvd" span almost a year and it is divied into two parts, it will return in August this year, will be the final eight episodes.

Nothing can be spoilers, "Breaking Bad" is one of those developing more and more good dramas, some plays even better than some sets many movies. The two men master Brian Collin Princeton, Aaron Paul's acting also received the highest award in U.S. television Emmy recognition. Therefore, this outcome must be very worth the wait.

It can be said, the appearance of "Mad Men seasons 1-5", "Breaking Bad" and "The Walking Dead season 1-3" shaping today's AMC, which produce the drama very well, with cable networks such as HBO and Showtime par, so the end of "Breaking Bad" for television, it is a conclusion, it will be a new beginning.

"Breaking Bad" Season 5, Part 2, is the play's final eight episodes, will be return in August 11, 2013 .

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