

Will Smith will not starred in "Independence Day 2"

Official sources confirmed, Will Smith will not starred in "Independence Day 2".

The film director Roland Emmerich says Will Smith will not return, he was "too expensive." Will Smith was released in 1996, "Independence Day" Air Force colonel, who plays the heroic Steven Hiller.

Last week, Fox identified "Independence Day" sequel to the shooting schedule, the second part will be held July 3, 2015 release.

Roland Emmerich spoke in an interview: "Will Smith price tag is too high, the film is too big the cards."

But he also said that the first part of the actors, including Bill Pullman Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum Modern Family Season 4 dvd will return. The sequel of the story is set in the header of the story 20 years later. "We retained for about half of the original cast, the other half will enable newcomers."

Bill Pullman had said earlier that he is likely to continue starred President Thomas J Whitmore, as to how to solve the time-span is still unknown. Producers want to shoot a sequel is divided into two.

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