

Iron Man 3

Jude Law has a close cooperation with Downey in "Sherlock Holmes" and he was called "Peter Pan". Jude said he can become a best friend with him immediately. In the the entire process of the reporter interviewed Downey, you can feel his strong desire to want to communicate with others and his easygoing personality. He still retained a bad boy of slapstick and joking.

In the past five years, he was involved in almost each movie and he joined the part of the creation of the movie lines. Many fans even confused that what is the most attractive himselives, is the role he played or himself.

There is no actor like Robert Downey Jr who has ever starred in a live-action superhero movie and has this amazing charm and influence.It make you forget his heignt and his slightly shady past.

Downey hugged himself who going through a difficult time in the past. He was like showbiz "IronT Man" Tony Stark, when he stripped of mechanical armor, he is a talented actor, a beloved family man and a interesting conversation object.

It is reported that "Iron Man 3" will be held on May 3 global offer mapping and the wealthy playboy Tony Stark, played by Downey will appear in the big screen again. The tone of "Iron Man 3" is duller than the previous two terms. Compared to the the Dream Car beauties, high-tech weapons, new story will portray great length off high-tech armor Tony Stark self mining and recognized knowledge, given the appearance of frivolous and narcissistic personality more profound role of superhero connotations of the United States could not care less.

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