

Top 10 Heavy Taste Sex in True Blood


10. In True Blood season 2, Jason was in the bath, Sarah reached into a bath, the people who watched must remember and what happened, I do not say more.

Jason Gets a Helping Hand

9. The season 3 of the first episode, Sam do about Bill's wet dream.

Sam and Bill

8. Eric revenge on Thalbot "the first rape and killed."

Eric's Revenge

7. The season 3 of the first episode, Jason 3P failed.

Jason and the Women with Holes in Their Heads

 6. I see this scene very uncomfortable, especially Tara biting Franklin.

Tara and Franklin

 5. True Blood Season 1, Jason drunk more V and ML with a woman at next to the garbage heap, and Tara saw this.

Jason in the Trash

4. A set of season 1, Bill was buried in the soil of the day, just drilled out and ML with Sookie.

Bill and Sookie in the Dirt

3. The first episode of True Blood Season 1, Jason and a female, she was killed, Jason thought it was himself did, we should all remember.

Jason’s S&M Adventure

2. In True Blood Season 3, Bill turned Lorena's head.

Bill Turns Lorena's Head

1. A set of memories of True Blood seaseon 2, Bill and Lorena get rid of a couple in a pool of ML in the blood.

Bill and Lorena in the 1920s

True Blood Season 5 DVD Box Set


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